Dr. Jing (Jane) Li is the Eduardo D. Glandt Faculty Fellow and Associate Professor (with tenure) at the Department of Electrical and System Engineering (ESE) and the Department of Computer and Information Science (CIS) at the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Li co-directs the CyberSavvy Research Center, a nationwide security initiative sponsored by DARPA. Previously she was the Dugald C. Jackson Assistant Professor at the University of Wisconsin–Madison and a faculty affiliate with the UW-Madison Computer Architecture group and Machine Learning group. She was one of the PIs in SRC JUMP center – Center for Research on Intelligent Storage and Processing-In-Memory (CRISP). She spent her early career at IBM T. J. Watson Research Center as a Research Staff Member after obtaining her PhD degree from Purdue University in 2009.
She is attracted to all the big problems in computer system across the stack regardless of specific sub-areas. She is especially known for her foundational contributions to memory and memory-driven computing, spanning from device/material to computer architecture, system software and algorithms. She is a passionate computer experimentalist and enjoy building innovative and practical computer systems, both hardware and software. One of her lab’s supercomputer prototypes, ENIAD, ranked No. 1 on the GreenGraph500 list, outperforming many of the most energy-efficient contemporary supercomputers worldwide.
Dr. Li has received numerous awards and honors, including DARPA’s Young Faculty Award (one out of 2 in computer area and one out of 26 across all areas in science and technology nationwide), NSF Career Award, Amazon Faculty Award, and IBM Research Division Outstanding Technical Achievement Award for successfully achieving CEO milestone. She has also received multiple invention achievement awards and high-value patent application award from IBM, as well as the IEEE Benjamin Franklin Key Award for her outstanding achievements in technology transfer. Prof. Li has published over 80 papers in top-tier peer-reviewed conferences and journals and won multiple best paper awards. She has served as an associate editor for IEEE Transactions on Computers, ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and System, and IEEE Computer Architecture Letter. She holds 46 issued U.S. patents, many of which have been licensed to Fortune 500 high-tech companies. She is a frequently invited speaker and panelist and frequently invited to serve as patent consulting expert by industry. She served on the SRC-SIA Decadal Plan for Semiconductors on Memory and Storage as the only academic representative, joined by prominent industry and government leaders. With over a decade of involvement in the memory industry, she has held various leadership roles such as advisory chair, general chair, and technical chair for the prestigious International Memory Workshop (IMW) – an annual meeting with worldwide memory vendors. She is also an early advocate for establishing Machine Learning System community, serving on the inaugural program committee of the MLsys conference. She serves on many program committees in the broad field of computer engineering, including IEDM, DAC, ISCA, ASPLOS, and others. Presently, she serves as Technical Program Chair for the flagship FPGA Symposium and serves on the ACM/SIGDA Technical Committee on FPGAs and Reconfigurable Computing. Dr. Li is a distinguished member of ACM.
PhD in Computer Engineering, 2009
Purdue University
BSc in Electrical Engineering, 2004
Shanghai Jiaotong University